Check e-mail appointment confirmation and e-mail appointment reminder checkboxes by default


In the reminder settings, you can choose whether you want the checkboxes for confirmation of appointment by email and / or appointment reminder by email or SMS from the agenda to be checked or not by default when scheduling an appointment.

Créer un nouveau client (vidéo globale)


Il est possible de créer un nouveau client depuis la liste des clients, depuis l’agenda lors d’une prise de rendez-vous, ou encore depuis la salle d’attente (pour un client qui se présenterait avec son animal à la clinique pour la première fois et souhaite passer le jour même en consultation)


Voir aussi

Set calendar’s users preferences


Each user can decide how the calendar will open on their account according to their needs and preferences. Thus, when he opens the calendar from his user account, he will be able to see the calendar open, by default, in day or week view, with or without the appearance of columns by users … according to his preferences. The configuration of these elements is carried out in the SETTINGS / USER MANAGEMENT / Choice of a user / AGENDA sections

Users preferences settings for home page

You can predefine, for each clinic’s account user, his home page display preferences.

Everyone can choose, depending on his role within the clinic, whether he prefers, by default, to have all users visible in the waiting room and get the appointments list for the day or, at the opposite, whether he chooses to only see his appointments.

Training videos for Veterinarians

Users management : PIN code creation and modification (quick user switch)

Scheduling an appointment / appointment confirmation and reminder through the calendar

Make a visit

    Move customer from the waiting room

    Consult the history from animal to be received


    Attached files

    Adding acts and/or products during a visit


    The tags system

    Visit payment

    When a visit payment is registered by a Assistant at reception desk you will, in the visit’s invoicing tab, only seize your billing lines of acts (procedures) and products, and Assistant will proceed with the payment registration steps as shown in the videos.

    Product management

    Referred cases management

    Choix pour le matériel informatique

    Vous pourrez trouver ci-dessous des machines qui sont agréables à utiliser sur le logiciel Vetup.
    Ordinateurs / écran / UC intégré (pratique à l’accueil où il n’y a pas toujours la place de placer l’unité centrale) :
    Ordinateurs de bureau sans écran :
    Mac mini :  machine très puissante par rapport au prix (vivement conseillé) :
    Ordinateurs portables :
    Gamme au-dessus des précédents, très bonne machine :
    iPad : tous les modèles actuels sont agréables à utiliser sur Vetup
    Tablettes Android : attention aux tablettes à moins de 400€ TTC. Elles sont le plus souvent un peu lentes pour naviguer sur Chrome. 

    Close a medical examination, report or prescription

    The medical examinations, reports and prescriptions recorded during a visit can be deleted or modified.

    The notion of “closing” an examination, report or order makes it possible to prevent any subsequent modification of the text that you have entered in these documents (it then becomes impossible for one of your collaborators to modify or delete your text by mistake).

    BE CAREFUL, HOWEVER, before closing a document, make sure that it contains all the desired informations (do not forget, for example, to clearly specify the batch numbers and expiration dates of the products in your prescription BEFORE the close because it becomes impossible to do so once the document has been closed).

    Available informations and workable actions from the waiting room

    The Waiting room window contains various informations (owner’s arrival time, meeting time) and allows various actions to be carried out using the small icons on the different appointment lines

    Trouver à quelle commande sont liés des produits « en traitement »


    Lorsque des produits sont déjà présents dans une commande (simple commande en préparation ou commande déjà envoyée au fournisseur), ils sont considérés en traitement (pour éviter de recommander un produit en attente de réception).

    Cette vidéo vous indique comment retrouver à quelle commande sont associés des produits lorsqu’ils sont notés « en traitement » dans la page de création de commande ou dans la page de gestion des stocks.


    Quick user switch with a PIN code

    It is possible, as a Vetup account user, to log into this account very quickly using the  » PIN code identification » function.

    This video shows you how to activate this function on your account, specify a PIN code for each user (this possibility is only accessible for the account administrator) and then how to switch very quickly from one user to another.

    Training videos for Assistants


    Management of a computer used by everyone at reception


    Animal sheet

    Waiting room management

    Consultation end

    The tags system

    Managing a device, a computer used by several clinic’s users

    A PIN code can be assigned to each Vetup account user to allow a very quick user switching.

    This function is particularly useful when a workstation, a clinic’s computer is used alternately by different members of the team (computer in the radio room, in the hospital room, in the reception area, etc.).

    The following link will then allow you to access a second video showing you how to activate the « quick user change » function and assign each team member a PIN code of their own: Quick user switch with a PIN code

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    Subscribe to Vetup TV Channel so you can be notified each time a new users help video has been created by our team. You can subsrcibe if you hold a Gmail account or a Google Workspace one (formerly G Suite)

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