Visit’s attachment files

It’s possible to associate attachment files (radio, Analysis PDF, etc..) to a visit or an animal directly.

The limit is set at 10MB for each file. List of accepted files: avi, bmp, csv, doc, docx, emf, gif, jpeg, jpg, mov, mp4, mpg4, odt, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, tif, tiff, xls, xlsx, xps

This video shows you how to add attachment files to a visit. You will also learn how to find these files through the history of visits for a specific animal or the whole files you have added for any animal.


Creating a therapeutic follow-up by email or scheduled medical service

This Video will teach you how to create and send reminds (by emails, sms, postal mail or phone calls), in a therapeutic follow-up context,
from two different ways :

  • By using acts models
  • creating a remind from the owner’s details


Producing a quote

To create a quote

Open the animal’s file and click on NEW ESTIMATE

Select the different medical services and products that you wish to add to your quote.

By clicking on the product / medical service concerned, it will be possible to modify the quantity, the price, or to add a comment, which you wish to see appear next to the service/product, on the quote and the future invoice.

You can also add a comment at the end of your quote :

Either by using one of your text models previously created in MODELS / TEXT MODELS

Or by adding a new comment in COMMENT AREA

You can then SAVE, PRINT or SEND the quote to your client by email and even create a visit based on this quote should it be accepted by the client.

Create a down payment linked to a visit

To create an advanced payment for an animal during a visit (for example if it needs to be hospitalised), click on PAYMENTS


Select DEPOSIT, choose the PAYMENT TYPE and enter the AMOUNT of the DEPOSIT


You can now SAVE and PRINT a RECEIPT for the owner


Then, input any additional treatment carried out during the hospitalisation in INVOICING


Once this is completed, you can create your final invoice 

To do this, click on PAYMENTS,

Then, on YES (under DEPOSIT)



Now click on CLOSE DEPOSIT 


You will now see that your deposit is considered a real payment

Then, click on ADD A SETTLEMENT to obtain the overdue balance.


Input PAYMENT TYPE and SAVE or PRINT RECEIPT for the owner



Create an alert regarding an owner or an animal

You can add a comment to an owner’s or animal’s sheet.

To do that, open the owner’s page,

Click on EDIT in the owner’s or animal’s box (depending on whether you want to add your note for the animal or the owner)














Click on MISC (miscellous) and add the text of your alert














This alert will now appear on the animal’s sheet

You can specify in SETTINGS whether you want alerts to be automatically readable or whether you want them to be readable only when you place your pointer over them.

To do this, click on SETTINGS / GENERAL SETTINGS / DISPLAY and specify whether you want a pop-up window for alerts to appear each time you open a page and whether you want the alerts to be directly visible or not.

Edit a list of your reminders

To print the list of your reminders,


  • If you want to edit this list according to the sending date or the reminder date
  • The period concerned,
  • SMS, email, letter or phone call depending on what you want to see appear on your document
    and click on EXPORT TO EXCEL

This will automatically produce a .csv list that you will be able to change to a .pdf list using your editing programme.


Colour coding for appointments

Each type of appointment can be colour coded, which will give you an overall picture of what type of appointments you will have on a specific day.

To do that,


Then, click on NEW and create as many types of appointments as necessary, colour coding them at the same time.

Now, if you click on « COLOUR BY APPOINTMENT TYPE » in your diary, each appointment will appear in its designated colour.

How do I select my date format ?

To select your date format, go into SETTINGS, then GENERAL SETTINGS 




Then select the date format you want


If you DON’T select one : the date will automatically appear in the format used with the language selected for the software. For example, if  the French version is used, the date format will be dd/mm/yyyy.

ATTENTION : the English version uses American English. Therefore, if you work with the English version, and NO date format is chosen, the date format will appear as mm/dd/yyyy.




However, you can choose a dd/mm/yyyy or a mm/dd/yyyy date format independently of the language you select.

Thus, you can select a dd/mm/yyyy date format even if you use the American English version of Vetup.

To do this, just click on the date format you want to use


Now your dates will now be written in the dd/mm/yyyy format, even if you work with the American English version of Vetupmanager.



How to create automatic reminders for an animal ?

With Vetup, you can create a reminder for as many types of medical acts as you want.

To create a reminder, for example a vaccination reminder, begin by creating a medical service. To do this, click on CATALOG


To create a new medical service, click on NEW and enter the description of the new medical service : its name, its category, whether you want to associate a product with this service, the price of the service, and on the right (this goes for each new service created) specify that you want to create a reminder for the service and when it should be automatically sent to the owner.

For example, you want to create a rabies vaccination with an automatic reminder for the owner for the next vaccination in one year’s time. You thus enter the service RABIES VACCINATION in DESIGNATION,  select the category « VACCINATION » and associate the product used for the vaccination (here Nobivac rabies) with the service.


Now, enter the price of the service and, on the right, the date when the pet owner should receive the vaccination reminder. (in the above example, (s)he will receive both a reminder by post and an automatic reminder by email 21 days before the due vaccination date)

This type of reminder can be created for every act, such as vaccinations, recommendations before surgery, antiparasite treatments etc.


How to consult an animal’s vaccination reminder

To see the animal’s next vaccination reminders that will automatically be sent to the owner, click on OWNERS

Use the QUICK SEARCH box to find the owner you are looking for

Now select SENDINGS in the history box.

This will show you all the reminders that have been and will be sent for the animal

If you want a pop-up to appear regarding the next reminders for the animal when opening its page, click on SETTINGS, then GENERAL SETTINGS


Click on SAVE

Now, each time a new reminder is created for an animal, it will appear in a pop-up when the animal’s page is opened.

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