Vetup Software
Training: videos to watch in order
- Training videos for Veterinarians
- Training videos for Assistants
- Product and stock order management
- Follow live Vetup’s last updates on Youtube
Getting started
- Available informations and workable actions from the waiting room
- Quick user switch with a PIN code
- Managing a device, a computer used by several clinic’s users
- Vetup General Settings (14min)
- Vetup Software Overview (duration: 17min)
- How to use the search bar
- Producing a quote
- Create an alert regarding an owner or an animal
Users management
- Quick user switch with a PIN code
- Managing a device, a computer used by several clinic’s users
- Users management (general presentation)
Customer Card
- How to easily send a medical examination from a visit
- Create a new customer (global video)
- Create a new customer from calendar
- Create a new customer inside customer file
- Merge a duplicate customer
- Have a look to customer’s or animal’s file from the scheduling appointment page
- Associate a tag (information, specificity) to a pet or its owner
- Creating alerts
- Archive / delete an owner or an animal
- Moving the animal from an owner to another one
- Adding a comment to a phone number
- Create an alert regarding an owner or an animal
Animal Sheet
- How to assign a clinic and an attending veterinarian (Multiclinic Mode)
- How to manage an animal with several files
- Send an animal detailed history to a colleague or a customer by e-mail
- Workable actions from animal’s file
- Consult last vaccinations of an animal
- Associate a tag (information, specificity) to a pet or its owner
- Consult, print or download an animal’s detailed history
- Creating alerts
- Send an animal detailed history to a colleague or a customer by e mail
- Archive / delete an owner or an animal
- Moving the animal from an owner to another one
- Creating a therapeutic follow-up by email or scheduled medical service
- Create an alert regarding an owner or an animal
Consultations / Visits Management
- Use speech recognition for medical examinations and reports
- Make a detailed search among all my medical examinations
- Change the date of a visit, an act and a product to modify an invoice
- Referred cases management
- Close a medical examination, report or prescription
- Available informations and workable actions from the waiting room
- Configure the security level for deleting visits
- How to add an attachment in a visit and find it easily ?
- History and appointments in progress
- Detailed animal’s history in a multiclinic mode (several clinics from a same group)
- Internal communication and tasks management
- Visit’s attachment files
- Creating care contracts for my customers
- Creating an hospitalization sheet
- Renewing a drug
Referred cases management
- Send an animal detailed history to a colleague or a customer by e-mail
- Referred cases management
- Send an attachment file by e mail to a colleague and or a pet owner
- Send an animal detailed history to a colleague or a customer by e mail
- Schedule a punctual reminder for a customer
- Send reminders by Sms, e mail or telephone, with no link to a medical service
- Check e-mail appointment confirmation and e-mail appointment reminder checkboxes by default
- Modify appointment confirmation e-mail message
- Create sms templates and use them by default according to the desired subject
- Appointment confirmation and reminder concept
- Is there a way to change the name of the SMS sender when sending reminders?
- Know the contents of a pending reminder or a reminder already sent to an animal / customer
- Creating a therapeutic follow-up by email or scheduled medical service
- Email models to write your message faster
- Edit a list of your reminders
- Creating a vaccination reminder for an animal that was not initially vaccinated in your clinic
- How to create automatic reminders for an animal ?
- How to consult an animal’s vaccination reminder
Software home page
- Why do some appointment times appear in red in the waiting room ?
- Users preferences settings for home page
- Available informations and workable actions from the waiting room
- Quick user switch with a PIN code
- Calendar : appointment time slots
- Create a new customer from calendar
- Duplicate an event into the calendar
- Modify an appointment from calendar
- Quickly schedule an appointment for a new customer
- Scheduling an appointment in vetup’s calendar
- Set calendar’s users preferences
- Appointment confirmation and reminder concept
- History and appointments in progress
- Indicate an appointment cancellation initiated by a customer
- Colour coding for appointments
Services and Products
- Implementing a general increase in service or product rates
- Apply discounts on a quote
- Create a pack including acts and products
- Adding acts, products or packs to a visit
- Creating a therapeutic follow-up by email or scheduled medical service
- How to register a batch number and an expiration date for a product ?
- Creating a central buying company and adding products inside
- What is a pack ?
- How to create automatic reminders for an animal ?
- How to consult an animal’s vaccination reminder
Registers (Catalog)
Product Stock
Finances: Invoice, Credit, Refund
- Generate all invoices for a client over a specific period
- Apply discounts on a quote
- Change the date of a visit, an act and a product to modify an invoice
- Reimburse an overpayment thanks to a negative invoice
- Send a global invoice to a breeder, an animal shelter…
- Quickly register a visit payment
- Manage differed collections
- Pay a visit or an invoice thanks to several payment types
- How to refund a client (credit)
- Create a grouped invoice for the visit of several pets from a same owner
Finances: Estimates
Finances: Regulations
- Correction of a credit note
- Instructions for unpaid/credit from previous Software
- Reimburse an overpayment thanks to a negative invoice
- Dealing with payment modes
- Setting the total billing’s display of sells and visits history
- Create a down payment linked to a visit
Multiclinic Mode
- How to assign a clinic and an attending veterinarian (Multiclinic Mode)
- Centralized management of an act / product catalog (multiclinic mode)
- Send an animal detailed history to a colleague or a customer by e-mail
- Detailed animal’s history in a multiclinic mode (several clinics from a same group)
- Send an animal detailed history to a colleague or a customer by e mail
- Use speech recognition for medical examinations and reports
- Referral veterinarian module (Referred cases)
- Send an attachment file by e mail to a colleague and or a pet owner
- Close a medical examination, report or prescription
- Insert a pre registered text into reports
- Create a certificate
- Creating care contracts for my customers
- Creating an hospitalization sheet
- Creating a therapeutic follow-up by email or scheduled medical service
- Integrate a handwritten signature on prescriptions
- Medication preparation by an assistant after veterinarian’s prescription
- Correctly fill prescriptions fields
- Integrate a handwritten signature on prescriptions
- Renewing a drug
Connected Applications
- Set up displayed windows from my home page
- Users preferences settings for home page
- How to add a new category to attachment categories
- Configure the security level for deleting visits
- Archive or unarchive a user
- What is the commercial name used for ?
- Dealing with payment modes
- Setting the visit’s practitioner drop down menu
- Setting the total billing’s display of sells and visits history
- Colour coding for appointments
- How to change the address on my invoices
- Integrate a handwritten signature on prescriptions
- How do I select my date format ?
- Generate all invoices for a client over a specific period
- Correction of a credit note
- How to manage an animal with several files
- Why do some appointment times appear in red in the waiting room ?
- Is there a way to change the name of the SMS sender when sending reminders?
- How to add a new category to attachment categories
- How to add an attachment in a visit and find it easily ?
- What is the commercial name used for ?
- Producing a quote